Supply Chain Careers Website FAQs
We noticed there was a massive gap in the supply chain industry that was lacking information and resources on how individuals could advance their supply chain careers. Low and behold, Mike Ogle approached Rodney Apple, then later Hinesh Patel came on board, and a few months later Supply Chain Careers was born! is the URL for our main website. And is the URL for our Job Board.
Head over to our advertising and sponsorship page and fill out the appropriate form on how we can partner together!
- Tools/Resources:
- Podcast
- Content Hub – full of information for Students, Professionals, and Employers
- Job Board
- Webinars
- Soon released book
Head over to our share a story page and submit your article to us! We love to feature quality content and help with SEO and backlinks.
Supply Chain Careers Job Board FAQs
For all things related to pricing – head over to our pricing page!
There is no expiration date on a job once your purchase it
Jobs are listed on the supply chain careers job board for 45 days from the start date
You have INSTANT access to all the applicants that apply to your job listing
Yes, you can delete your job posting(s) anytime.
Yes, you can edit all parts of your job posting – excluding the position title and location.
No, but you can purchase as many job postings as you would like
Supply Chain Careers Podcast FAQs
The goal of this podcast is to have genuine conversations with today’s leading supply chain professionals that give insights into how individuals can advance their careers within supply chain.
The hosts are Rodney Apple, Mike Ogle, and Hinesh Patel.
You can find the podcast episodes here on our podcast page!
Yes, our episodes are featured on Spotify and Apple! You can also go to our podcast page and look at the other podcast platforms we are featured across!
Generally, each episode is about 35 – 50 minutes long.
Go here and click subscribe! We will email you for every new episode we release!